Relaxed Performances
A relaxed performance is a specially selected show from our programme, with slight adaptations to make it suitable for an audience of young people, and adults with neurodivergence such as autism, learning disabilities and other sensory or communication needs.
What changes are made to a Relaxed Performance?
- We make slight changes to the sound, lowering the volume and reducing any loud effects.
- We slow down any flashing/strobe lighting effects.
- Elements of surprise will be reduced to a minimum.
- The lights will always be on at a low level in the auditorium.
- For anyone who needs to leave the show, we have a small, quiet chill-out area just outside the auditorium. You can return to the show when you are ready. It is fine if you need to leave and return several times.
- We do not sell every seat so you can move around freely.
- Most importantly we ask everyone to be tolerant and accepting of the fact that some people may express enjoyment of the show in different ways; the attitude to noise, singing along to the show, and movement is relaxed, we ask anyone in our audience to be supportive of this.